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Dirt Bike For Mac

About This Game MX Bikes is a realistic motocross simulator, based on a scratch built physics engine that accurately simulates motorcycle dynamics and setup options. MX Bikes also allows to host and join online races, with an integrated matchmaking server.

  1. Dirt Bike For Sale Macon Ga
  2. Dirt Bike Mechanic

Dirt Bike For Sale Macon Ga

During events data is collected, to provide statistics for riders' comparison. More features:. automotive industry-standard tyre model. dynamic terrain deformation. wet terrain simulation and wet weather.

a plugins interface allows external programs to receive realtime data from the simulated bike. LAN and online racing.

Dirt Bike Mechanic

Dedicated server available. possibility to paint bike, helmet, kit, boots and gloves. tools and documentation are provided to allow advanced users to build and integrate new tracks, bikes, helmets, protections and more.